Just A Snap Shot In Time
Monday, March 07, 2016
Walking into our basement, you are welcomed by a shelving unit that is filled with 20 plus photo albums from our childhood. Last week my sister was flipping through them and sent me a picture of our old kitten wrapped.. or smothered in my blanket with my arms wrapped around the poor thing (I was potentially obsessed with the kitten). It's such a goofy picture but it reminded me how amazing film photography is and how I have been more inclined to reach for my Minolta XG1 and shoot with a roll of film rather than my DSLR.

For starters, I am in no way a photography expert, that would be Pamela, but I do love to take a good photo. I guess this post is more about the beauty of not knowing how something is going to turn out, and being excited to take a picture and wait for what feels like months (sometimes it is months before I use up the entire roll of film) before you get to see the snap shot in time you've captured.
I bought my first film camera when I was in the fifth grade. I remember being so infatuated with our childhood camera that I wanted to have my very own so I could snap what I thought were the important moments. Every time we'd go to Costco and develop the photos it was always a fight for who got the first glimpse of them. I was obsessed with seeing how they turned out and now thinking about it, the candid-ness of it all.
The world of digital photography is amazing, and I do love having the ability to take as many pictures as I want for the fraction of the cost, but theres still a huge part of me that is always drawn back to taking pictures with film. It's the rawness, the color, the mystery and the nostalgia of it all that really gets me, as well as the ability to be so selective with what you're shooting so you end up with 15 beautiful photos instead of 75 posed and average ones. I honestly love nothing more than sitting for hours and flipping through all of the old photos I have and just appreciating the moments that they've captured.
If you're sitting here reading this and thinking to yourself, "this seems like such a cool thing and I want to be in on this" well it is! Go to London Drugs, or even Urban outfitters and pick up a disposable camera, you won't be disappointed I promise. With film photography, quality vs. quantity has never been more truthful!

For starters, I am in no way a photography expert, that would be Pamela, but I do love to take a good photo. I guess this post is more about the beauty of not knowing how something is going to turn out, and being excited to take a picture and wait for what feels like months (sometimes it is months before I use up the entire roll of film) before you get to see the snap shot in time you've captured.
The world of digital photography is amazing, and I do love having the ability to take as many pictures as I want for the fraction of the cost, but theres still a huge part of me that is always drawn back to taking pictures with film. It's the rawness, the color, the mystery and the nostalgia of it all that really gets me, as well as the ability to be so selective with what you're shooting so you end up with 15 beautiful photos instead of 75 posed and average ones. I honestly love nothing more than sitting for hours and flipping through all of the old photos I have and just appreciating the moments that they've captured.
If you're sitting here reading this and thinking to yourself, "this seems like such a cool thing and I want to be in on this" well it is! Go to London Drugs, or even Urban outfitters and pick up a disposable camera, you won't be disappointed I promise. With film photography, quality vs. quantity has never been more truthful!