Magically Delicious

In my Youtube subscription box this week from TeenVogue, popped up this amazing video for Lucky Charm ice-cream sandwiches....Lucky Charm treats are something that I make on a decent basis using this super simple recipe here! Think Rice crispy squares but substituting one childhood cereal for the next. Amazing. Now taking something so gooey, sugary and delicious to the next level was almost too much for me to handle, which meant I had to share it with you!

For The Love of Scrunchies

Scrunchies. Like it or not, they're making a come back and I am the biggest fan

I remember being probably 6 or 7 and owning a tie-dyed orange red and yellow scrunchie that matched my bright orange and red beach sarong with outlines of geckos on it. Extremely fashionable, I know. When I was that young I had absolutely no reason for liking something unless it held a certain function, and this scrunchie, simply kept all my hair back(which, at that age, was just as a large of a task as it is now). There's not a defining moment I can think of when I stopped wearing it, I just remember it being something I loved and then totally forgot about.

Just A Snap Shot In Time

Walking into our basement, you are welcomed by a shelving unit that is filled with 20 plus photo albums from our childhood. Last week my sister was flipping through them and sent me a picture of our old kitten wrapped.. or smothered in my blanket with my arms wrapped around the poor thing (I was potentially obsessed with the kitten). It's such a goofy picture but it reminded me how amazing film photography is and how I have been more inclined to reach for my Minolta XG1 and shoot with a roll of film rather than my DSLR.

Guinness Chocolate Cake

It's that time of year where second winter tends to hit this side of the hemisphere. It's that hope you feel in your chest that spring is just around the corner and then BAM, winter's back.

Instead of crying and crawling back into bed and waiting for May to come around, you should bake this cake and then crawl back into bed. With St. Patrick's day around the corner, there's no better time to make a guinness chocolate cake.