In Theory This Was A Good Idea...

The plan for this weeks post was to make super yummy fruit cubes you could put into your yogurt for breakfast, or defrost them into a jar for a quick smoothie, or to snack on them throughout the day... but to be perfectly honest the did not turn out. So, what follows is my super cute photos of fruit and even mushy-er fruit!

Guys & Gals Travel Essentials

My boyfriend Sam and are heading off to the mountains this week and thought we'd show you what our travel essentials are! Also just so we're clear, this is just our side bags for the road trip down, not our duffle bags. Those are literally jam packed with clothes as we without fail, over pack every single time we go away and we don't want to embarrass our selves.

- Gals Travel Essentials -

Laptop - I only have this in my side bag solely for the reason I don't trust it's not going to get crushed
by our bags in the trunk. Possibly a sign of over packing? Maybe. 

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkey pull apart bread is a recipe I stumble across more times than I can count, yet I've never made it... mostly because it looks so complicated and I never take the time to actually read through the recipe. Good news all around though, it's extremely easy to make, 100% fool proof and it's pretty much a dream come true with bread, cinnamon, sugar and butter being the only ingredients. Need I say more?